Golf Tournament Registration

After your registration package is chosen, please provide your contact information and specify individual players in your group in the “comments” field including shirt sizes of each golf participant. Please contact our Tournament Coordinator, Chris Martin (407-468-7313) if you have any questions about the tournament or facilities.


For detailed sponsorship information, please contact Martha Korman Zumwalt.

Tournament Presenting Sponsor
Title Sponsor naming rights on all associated media & collateral material throughout the entire event
Corporate representation involvement in VIP Reception and Golf tournament and Soulful Midday Soiree Program
(24) Invitations to the Private VIP Reception
(12) Golf tournament entries
(2) Reserved primary seating tables for 10 guests at the Soulful Midday Soiree
(3) Hole signs in prominent locations featuring corporate logo
Opportunity to include corporate product in golfers’ gift bag

Hole-In-One Sponsor
Corporate identity on all associated media & collateral material throughout the entire event
Special recognition at VIP reception, Golf Tournament & Soulful Midday Soiree
(16) Invitations to the Private VIP Reception
(8) Golf tournament entries
(1) Reserved primary seating table for 10 guests at the Soulful Midday Soiree
(2) Hole signs in prominent locations featuring corporate logo
Opportunity to include corporate product in golfers gift bags

Eagle Sponsor
Corporate identity on all associated media & collateral material throughout the entire event
Special recognition at VIP reception, Golf Tournament & Soulful Midday Soiree
(12) Invitations to the Private VIP Reception
(4) Golf tournament entries
(1) Reserved primary seating table for 10 guests at the Soulful Midday Soiree
(1) Hole sign in prominent locations featuring corporate logo
Opportunity to include corporate product in golfers’ gift bag

Birdie Sponsor
Corporate identity on all print advertising and collateral material
(8) Invitations to the Private VIP Reception
(4) Golf tournament entries
(1) Reserved primary seating table for 10 guests at the Soulful Midday Soiree
(1) Hole signs in prominent locations featuring corporate logo
Opportunity to include corporate product in golfers gift bags

Soiree Luncheon Sponsor
Corporate identity on all print advertising and collateral material
(8) Rserved primary seating tables for 10 guests at the Soulful Midday Soiree
(2) Hole signs in prominent locations featuring corporate logo
Opportunity to include corporate product in golfers gift bags

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
(2) Beverage Cart Sponsor $2500 each cart
(2) Cigar Cart Sponsor $1000 each cart
Event Flag Sponsor $1000
Hole In one Prize $1000 each hole
Hole Sign Sponsor $500 each
Breakfast Sponsor $3000

Please choose your sponsorship package:

Personal Info

Donation Total: $50,000.00